Monthly registered users on

August 09, 2020

I thought I would look into data of – what is the number of registered and active users, how many portfolios and transaction are created daily, etc. To my disappointment I found out I did not have created_at and updated_at timestamps on models, so I can’t view these interesting data in time 🙁 I have only users (thanks Django) with date timestamps. Of course, I just added these timestamps to all models, so maybe in a few months, there might be some interesting patterns.

What I have now is a monthly number of registered users:

SELECT  date_trunc('month', date_joined) as t_date, count(password)
FROM auth_user
GROUP BY t_date
ORDER BY t_date ASC;

I was surprised when I saw this graph. I never realized there was a huge peak like this, in daily visitors it seems to be double, but number of accounts quadrupled.

There were similar data in google analytics, but I did not trust it that much. I think it often does not work with ad blockers in browsers (a lot of people use those). GA data are connected to web page after registration, which users can reload, and that can mess with real numbers. Surprisingly it’s pretty precise, in April there were 282 new users, in GA data there is 244. Good to know 😛

The second graph I have is a bar chart with the last login for each user. In essence, in July there were 654 logged-in users, out of which 282 were new users.

I don’t really know why there is a peak in the past few months. Hopefully, it’s not just corona and boom around investing, but general usefulness of that has been noticed by small portion of dividend growth investors.

I have some ideas on what to focus next, e.g. data about what DGI investors are daily buying might be interesting. I also want to focus more on the conversion ratio of paid members. There have been only a few as of now, meaning supporter membership has nothing special to offer. It’s partly expected, as I want to work on the freemium model and it should be useful for free to most investors. But I think a small % of investors should see higher value from the paid plan than what it costs, to verify that the project is actually useful and it can pay for itself, and in future to be able to pay for better data and quality.

I’ve read a great article about pricing a few months ago that I tried to incorporate, but I am afraid until I add more features, like multi-currency portfolios and some killer feature for paid plan, conversion ratio will stay close to zero 🙁

Here is spreadsheet where I keep the numbers.

Written by Lucas03 , who uses this as diary. Contact at admin[a]